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Vepampoo vathal

Neem flowers, spiced, soured with curd and sun-dried are a seasonal addition to the Tamil repertoire of vathals--which are then fried and become a condiment accompanying a traditional meal, or a tempering to lift something a simple dal off its feet!


  • 1 cup of dried neem flowers washed and picked over for any remaining stems or dirt
  • 1 tablespoon yogurt
  • 1 small green chilli or 1/2 teaspoon red chilli powder
  • A pinch of hing
  • A pinch of salt


  • Chop the green chilli (if using) and add it to the jar of a small blender—blend to a paste. Alternatively, you can pound it into a fine paste using a mortar and pestle. Remove any larger bits by hand.
  • Add all the ingredients to the neem flowers and mix very well.
  • Let this mixture soak for about an hour. Then spread on a plate and set in the sun to dry.
  • Allow the neem flowers to dry very well for a day or two in full sun. Turn them over to ensure even drying.
  • Bottle and store. This should keep at room temperature (in an airtight jar) for a year, but to be safe you can refrigerate it.

To use & serve:

  • Heat some oil and add the dried-soaked flowers. Fry till darkening and serve with hot white rice or as a condiment/ an accompaniment to a meal.
  • You can also add cumin and garlic slices while frying and make a burnt garlic and neem topping for white rice.
  • Alternatively, add a generous pinch of the neem flowers to the tempering for a simple, plain dal or a curd gravy or buttermilk rasam (keeping in mind that this will sour it further).